Scheduled Minerals
As under the 1940 Minerals Development Act
Alum Shales | Felspar | Monazite |
Anhydrite | Fireclay | Nickel, Ores of. |
Antimony, Ores of. | Flint and Chert | Oil Shale |
Apatite | Fluorspar | Platinum, Ores of. |
Arsenic, Ores of. | Ganister | Potash Mineral Salts |
Asbestos minerals | Gem minerals | Quartz Rock |
Ball Clay | Gold, Ores of. | Radioactive Minerals |
Barytes | Graphite | Refractory Clays |
Bauxite | Gypsum | Rock Phosphates |
Beryl | Iron, Ores of. | Rock Salt |
Bismuth, Ores of. | Kaolin | Roofing Slate |
Bitumens | Laterite | Serpentinous Marble |
Calcite | Lead, Ores of. | Silica Sand |
Chalk | Lignite | Silver, Ores of. |
China Clay | Lithomarge | Strontium, Ores of. |
Chromite | Magnesium, Ores of. | Sulphur, Ores of. |
Coal | Magnesite | Talc and Steatite or Soapstone |
Cobalt, Ores of. | Manganese, Ores of. | Tin, Ores of. |
Copper, Ores of | Marble | Titanium, Ores of. |
Corundum | Mercury, Ores of. | Tripoli |
Cryolite | Mica | Tungsten, Ores of. |
Diatomaceous Earth | Mineral Pigments | Witherite |
Dolomite | Molybdenite | Zinc, Ores of. |
Dolomitic Limestone |
Mineral/Commodity Grouping:
Applicants for Prospecting Licences may apply for specific commodities such as gold, zinc, gypsum, barytes, and other ‘minerals’ listed in the Schedule to the Minerals Development Act, 1940. In addition, exploration companies may also apply for particular commodity groupings that frequently occur together in mineral deposits. Examples of such groupings include base metals, Platinum Group Metals (PGMs), Rare Earth Elements (REEs) and gem minerals.
In the context of Irish minerals regulation, the Exploration and Mining Division (EMD) considers that:
Applicants should note that they must complete an acceptable exploration programme for ALL minerals that are listed on a Prospecting Licence. If it appears to the Minister that a licensee is not adequately exploring for certain minerals, the Minister may revoke the licence in respect of such minerals.
Mineral Oils and Natural Gas are listed as Scheduled Minerals under the 1940 Minerals Development Act. These minerals are now regulated under the Petroleum Minerals Development Act 1960, which established separate arrangements for regulation of petroleum exploration and development. These are administered by the Geoscience Regulation Office, Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications.